Motocross and auto racing mental training expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn, at helps NASCAR, Motocross, and motorcycle racers improve performance and lap times by boosting mental toughness, focus, and confidence on race day. Learn motocross mental training and auto racing driver mental training tips and strategies.
In today’s racing psychology session, I offer mental racing tips to overcome choking and improve your training for race day.
I answer the following mental training game of racing question:
“I seem to choke; I know what I have to do but can’t seem to put it together in the big races?”
I help motocross and auto racers take their practice skills to races. Choking causes motocross and auto racers to override the bike or overdrive the car.
Learn how to overcome fear of making mistakes and perform with self-confidence in races. Develop a strategy to mentally prepare for a race and improve your mindset.
In addition, my motocross strategies and auto racing tips help racers who want to improve performance and boost self-confidence. I help racers learn my motocross racing secrets and auto racing tips to fulfill your potential in races.
Listen the podcast on “choking in big races” to learn how to improve your performance with mental skills training!
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